Jumat, 01 Februari 2013

Analysis to correlate the Environmental Carrying Capacity on The Other Regulations

By : Prianto Rudi  ( Staff at Environmental Office of Tasikmalaya District)
Spatial planning is a general the provincial spatial plan, which is a translation of RTRWN, and which contains: objective, policies, strategies provincial spatial planning, spatial structure plan of the province, the provincial spatial pattern plan, setting the provincial strategic, spatial use the province, and the direction of spatial control of the province through the optimization of resource utilization, synchronization sector development, coordination across districts / cities and sectors, as well as the roles and functions of the district / city in the development of the region as a whole. In its realisation, the general plan is outlined by the provincial spatial detailed spatial plan drawn up by the approach of strategic value to the region or activity charge substance that can include setting up blocks and sub-blocks that include zoning regulations as a basis for land use control.
The Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No. 15/2009 on Guidelines for Provincial Spatial Plan, the provisions in Chapter II about Technical Content Provincial Spatial Plan, is stated that the provincial spatial planning strategy is formulated based on the capacity of resources and problems faced, the criteria; clear, realistic, and can be implemented in a period of planning in the province concerned, and should be described in the spatial structure plan and plans for provincial spatial pattern. Olso in the description of spatial structure plan, Pattern Space Plan and the Strategic Plan of Allocation Space is always based on the carrying capacity of the environment province.
In my opinion the carrying capacity of the provincial spatial context in The Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No. 15/2009  is necessary to be defined and described in detail through calculation examples or quantified. Thus, in practice it will not multi interpretations. Currently in the preparation of spatial planning, the concept of carrying capacity is defined according to the analysis of sectoral planning. Thus, the approach of carrying capacity calculation and DTL is not the focus. Furthermore, it can cause a weak point of zoning regulation particularly or regulatory space.
The response toward the need of the calculation in carrying capacity of environment in The Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No. 15/2009 on Spatial Planning is the province with the issuance of Law No. 4 of 2009 about Mining, Mineral and Coal, that The mining area (WP), the Regional Mining (WUP) and Regional Mining Business License (WIUP) in article 18 stated that the criteria for setting the WUP is based on carrying capacity. Then, the regulation No. 32 of 2009 on the Protection and Environmental Management (PPLH) were approved on October 3, 2009 or a few months after the ratification of Minister Regulation of Public Work No. 15/2009, described in article 14 to article 18 that some environmental instruments one of which is Strategic Environmental Assessment (KLHS) that explains or describes the calculation of the carrying capacity of the environment as a basis for the preparation or evaluation of spatial planning activities including the preparation of the program (KRP) and evaluation of the activities or programs running, and interpret the relationship between KLHS and Spatial Plan. Then the release of Government Regulation No. 37 of 2012 on the Management of Watershed (DAS), which also outlines the carrying capacity of the watershed is through the calculation of the land (percentage degraded land, erosion or erodibility index and percentage of land coverage) as well as the calculation of the quality, quantity and continuity of water . Then, in the transportation sector particularly in the road freight traffic through regulation No. 22 of 2009 on Road Traffic Transport (LLAJ) where the carrying capacity or the capacity LLAJ determined through analysis of the road network, road capacity analysis, analysis of generation and attraction, the volume and capacity (speed and density) traffic, including parking space unit settings (SRP) and the condition of roads regarding horizontal and vertical alignment and road surface conditions.
I note that the spatial plan made both at the provincial and district / city there should be clarity in the process, the introduction of calculating the carrying capacity of the environment correctly. For the concept of DDL and DTL in The Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No. 15/2009 have described in detail through obvious calculation, so there is no multi interpretation in technical calculations.
I want to express my idea about the carrying capacity of the environment, the regulation No. 32 Year 2009 on PPLH Article 14 outlined the environmental instruments such as the KLHS. KLHS is planning support tools. Central and local government shall make KLHS to ensure that the principles of sustainable development has become a basic and integrated development of an area and/or policies, plans and/or programs. KLHS mechanism is implemented with the principles of sustainable development, with a focus on: carrying capacity and carrying capacity of the environment for development; estimate the impacts and environmental risks; Performance service / ecosystem services; Efficiency of utilization of natural resources, levels of vulnerability and adaptive capacity to changes climate and / or the level of resistance and the potential for biodiversity.
The Meaning (concept) and Scope of Environmental Carrying Capacity according to regulation No. 32/2009, the carrying capacity of the environment is the ability of the environment to support human and other living beings.
Carrying capacity and capabilities include analysis of land suitability, water balance analysis, resource accounting, etc., while the capacity [of water quality analysis.
In this guideline, research paper carrying capacity of the environment is limited to the supply of natural resources, especially related to the ability of the land and the availability and the need for land and water in an area. Because the capacity of natural resources depends on the ability, availability, and the need for land and water, the determination of the carrying capacity of the environment done by 3 (three) approaches, namely: a) The ability of land to be allocated space utilization; b) Comparison between the supply and demand land and c) Comparison between the supply and demand for water.
In order to use the space in an area according to the capacity of the environment and resources, the allocation of land use must consider the ability of the land. Comparison between the availability and the need for land and water in a region determine the state surplus or deficit of the land and water to support the use of space. The results of the determination of the carrying capacity of the environment become the reference in the preparation of spatial plans. Given the carrying capacity of the environment cannot be constrained by administrative boundaries, the implementation plan must consider the spatial aspects of ecological relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of space utilization, as well as in its management attention to the inter-regional cooperation.

Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

Valuasi Ekonomi Lahan di Kawasan Pesisir Tasikmalaya Selatan yang Mengandung Pasir Besi

Gambar : Aktifitas penambangan pasir besi di kawasan pesisir...rawan menyebabkan ruksaknya ekosistem pantai yang berfungsi lindung (Cipatujah-Tasikmalaya )

Gagasan untuk menentukan nilai kelayakan secara ekologi-sosial dan ekonomi, besarnya jaminan reklamasi dan Perlindungan Kekayaan Negara (Proverty Right)
Masalah penambangan pasir besi (sand iron) di Tasikmalaya Selatan akhir-akhir ini banyak diberitakan media masa dan dibicarakan oleh masyarakat luas. Tasikmalaya Sebagai Kabupaten yang berada di Wilayah Jabar Selatan, memiliki daerah pesisir dan laut, dengan panjang pantai  52,9  Km.  Wilayah Kabupaten Tasikmalaya secara umum merupakan daerah yang kaya dengan beragam sumberdaya bahan tambang yakni ;  mineral logam dan non  logam. Mineral logam yang terdapat di wilayah pesisir Tasikmalaya antara lain yaitu ; mangan, pasir besi (sand iron), batu besi, dan tembaga.
Daerah Pesisir Tasikmalaya memiliki berapa kategori kawasan yaitu ; kawasan konservasi sempadan pantai, muara dan sempadan sungai, kawasan laut (estuaria), hutan pantai, hutan adat setempat, hutan lindung, kawasan konservasi penyu dan kawasan permukiman penduduk,  yang terpetakan melalui batasan wilayah administrasi ke dalam 3 (tiga) kecamatan (sub-distrik), 11 (sebelas) desa pantai. Daerah pesisir di selatan Tasikmalaya atau sering disebut pula dengan Tasikmalaya Selatan (Tasela) merupakan kawasan yang memiliki keindahan panorama pantai dan laut, berpadu pegunungan yang hijau dan hutan pantai seperti sabuk pantai yang berfungsi sebagai barrier angin ribut dan gelombang laut. Namun sayangnya, saat ini daerah pesisir tersebut sedang mendapat tekanan serius yang membahayakan kelestarian eksositem  dan habitat berbagai keanekaragaman hayati didalamnya, yakni dengan maraknya eksploitasi berlebihan (ambisius) terhadap sumberdaya bahan tambang khususnya pasir besi (sand iron), yang telah mengakibatkan degradasi fisik lingkungan pesisir dalam bentuk perubahan bentang alam, melalui pengrusakan hutan pantai dan  banyak areal lain di sekitarnya, serta sempadan pantai yang merupakan kawasan lindung.
Ada beberapa faktor awal yang terlibat, sehingga menyebabkan timbulnya degradasi ekosistem pesisir dan laut di Indonesia, antara lain adalah peran pemerintah sebagai pembuat kebijakan dan keputusan serta yang menentukan pelaksanaan pembangunan sektor publik dan sektor swasta. Umumnya terdapat kekeliruan cara memandang, bahwa ekosistem pesisir dengan kekayaan alam yang terkandung di dalamnya sebagai lahan marjinal yang harus dikonversi menjadi penggunaan lainnya yang lebih efektif, seperti kawasan industri, kawasan wisata terbuka, dan tambak. Dengan kata lain, hanya menilai keberadaan sumberdaya daerah pesisir dengan nilai penggunaan langsung seperti kayu hutan pantai, mangrove, ikan dan bahan tambang yang secara langsung dapat diambil dari kawasan tersebut. Kenyataannya, ekosistem pesisir dan laut, seperti keberadaan pasir besi, memiliki banyak nilai dan fungsi lain yang sangat penting bagi kelestarian ekosistem pesisir secara keseluruhan, dimana kelangsungan hidup manusia dan pembangunan bergantung kepadanya.
Eksploitasi sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan yang berlebihan akan mempercepat kepunahan, dan tidak mendukung pembangunan yang berkelanjutan. Oleh karena itu valuasi sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan secara menyeluruh menjadi penting karena akan memberikan nilai ekonomi total dari sumberdaya dan keberadaan sumberdaya tertentu sebagai hak kekayaan negara (proverty right), yang dinilai tidak untuk kepentingan bisnis atau pragmatis ekonomi. Menghitung atau valuasi nilai ekonomi sumberdaya dan kerusakan di kawasan pesisir merupakan pekerjaan yang tidak mudah, apabila data dan waktu yang ada terbatas. Walaupun banyak alternatif metode yang dapat digunakan, oleh karena itu tulisan ini merupakan estimasi berdasarkan teori-teori valuasi ekonomi lingkungan sehingga dapat mengkuantifikasi nilai ekonomi sumberdaya yang sesungguhnya dan cukup untuk menggambarkan betapa mahalnya nilai lingkungan tersebut. Selain itu kebijakan untuk mengurangi suatu dampak lingkungan akan dipengaruhi oleh perhitungan biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk mengurangi atau memperbaiki dampak lingkungan dan manfaat yang akan diperoleh kemudian.
Pemikiran untuk memberikan dasar teknis pertama ; untuk menilai kelayakan ekologi, sosial, ekonomi, mementukan jaminan reklamasi secara adil terhadap sumberdaya pasir besi (sand iron) di pesisir Tasikmalaya Selatan yang dapat diekspoitasi secara bisnis dan kedua; valuasi sumberdaya dengan tujuan untuk pelestarian mutlak atau sebagai hak kekayaan negara (proverty right) yang bukan untuk dieksploitasi secara bisnis.