By : Prianto Rudi ( Staff at Environmental Office of
Tasikmalaya District)
Spatial planning is a general the provincial spatial plan,
which is a translation of RTRWN, and which contains: objective, policies,
strategies provincial spatial planning, spatial structure plan of the province,
the provincial spatial pattern plan, setting the provincial strategic, spatial
use the province, and the direction of spatial control of the province through
the optimization of resource utilization, synchronization sector development,
coordination across districts / cities and sectors, as well as the roles and
functions of the district / city in the development of the region as a whole. In
its realisation, the general plan is outlined by the provincial spatial
detailed spatial plan drawn up by the approach of strategic value to the region
or activity charge substance that can include setting up blocks and sub-blocks
that include zoning regulations as a basis for land use control.
The Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No. 15/2009 on
Guidelines for Provincial Spatial Plan, the provisions in Chapter II about
Technical Content Provincial Spatial Plan, is stated that the provincial
spatial planning strategy is formulated based on the capacity of resources and
problems faced, the criteria; clear, realistic, and can be implemented in a
period of planning in the province concerned, and should be described in the
spatial structure plan and plans for provincial spatial pattern. Olso in the
description of spatial structure plan, Pattern Space Plan and the Strategic
Plan of Allocation Space is always based on the carrying capacity of the
environment province.
In my opinion the carrying capacity of the provincial spatial
context in The Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No. 15/2009 is necessary to be defined and described in
detail through calculation examples or quantified. Thus, in practice it will
not multi interpretations. Currently in the preparation of spatial planning,
the concept of carrying capacity is defined according to the analysis of
sectoral planning. Thus, the approach of carrying capacity calculation and DTL
is not the focus. Furthermore, it can cause a weak point of zoning regulation particularly
or regulatory space.
The response toward the need of the calculation in carrying
capacity of environment in The Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No. 15/2009
on Spatial Planning is the province with the issuance of Law No. 4 of 2009
about Mining, Mineral and Coal, that The mining area (WP), the Regional Mining
(WUP) and Regional Mining Business License (WIUP) in article 18 stated that the
criteria for setting the WUP is based on carrying capacity. Then, the
regulation No. 32 of 2009 on the Protection and Environmental Management (PPLH)
were approved on October 3, 2009 or a few months after the ratification of Minister
Regulation of Public Work No. 15/2009, described in article 14 to article 18
that some environmental instruments one of which is Strategic Environmental
Assessment (KLHS) that explains or describes the calculation of the carrying
capacity of the environment as a basis for the preparation or evaluation of
spatial planning activities including the preparation of the program (KRP) and
evaluation of the activities or programs running, and interpret the
relationship between KLHS and Spatial Plan. Then the release of Government
Regulation No. 37 of 2012 on the Management of Watershed (DAS), which also
outlines the carrying capacity of the watershed is through the calculation of
the land (percentage degraded land, erosion or erodibility index and percentage
of land coverage) as well as the calculation of the quality, quantity and continuity
of water . Then, in the transportation sector particularly in the road freight
traffic through regulation No. 22 of 2009 on Road Traffic Transport (LLAJ)
where the carrying capacity or the capacity LLAJ determined through analysis of
the road network, road capacity analysis, analysis of generation and
attraction, the volume and capacity (speed and density) traffic, including
parking space unit settings (SRP) and the condition of roads regarding
horizontal and vertical alignment and road surface conditions.
I note that the spatial plan made both at the provincial and
district / city there should be clarity in the process, the introduction of
calculating the carrying capacity of the environment correctly. For the concept
of DDL and DTL in The Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No. 15/2009 have
described in detail through obvious calculation, so there is no multi
interpretation in technical calculations.
I want to express my idea about the carrying capacity of the
environment, the regulation No. 32 Year 2009 on PPLH Article 14 outlined the
environmental instruments such as the KLHS. KLHS is planning support tools.
Central and local government shall make KLHS to ensure that the principles of
sustainable development has become a basic and integrated development of an
area and/or policies, plans and/or programs. KLHS mechanism is implemented with
the principles of sustainable development, with a focus on: carrying capacity
and carrying capacity of the environment for development; estimate the impacts
and environmental risks; Performance service / ecosystem services; Efficiency
of utilization of natural resources, levels of vulnerability and adaptive
capacity to changes climate and / or the level of resistance and the potential
for biodiversity.
The Meaning (concept) and Scope of Environmental Carrying
Capacity according to regulation No. 32/2009, the carrying capacity of the
environment is the ability of the environment to support human and other living
Carrying capacity and capabilities include analysis of land
suitability, water balance analysis, resource accounting, etc., while the capacity
[of water quality analysis.
In this guideline, research paper carrying capacity of the environment is limited to the supply of natural resources, especially related to the ability of the land and the availability and the need for land and water in an area. Because the capacity of natural resources depends on the ability, availability, and the need for land and water, the determination of the carrying capacity of the environment done by 3 (three) approaches, namely: a) The ability of land to be allocated space utilization; b) Comparison between the supply and demand land and c) Comparison between the supply and demand for water.
In order to use the space in an area according to the capacity of the environment and resources, the allocation of land use must consider the ability of the land. Comparison between the availability and the need for land and water in a region determine the state surplus or deficit of the land and water to support the use of space. The results of the determination of the carrying capacity of the environment become the reference in the preparation of spatial plans. Given the carrying capacity of the environment cannot be constrained by administrative boundaries, the implementation plan must consider the spatial aspects of ecological relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of space utilization, as well as in its management attention to the inter-regional cooperation.
In this guideline, research paper carrying capacity of the environment is limited to the supply of natural resources, especially related to the ability of the land and the availability and the need for land and water in an area. Because the capacity of natural resources depends on the ability, availability, and the need for land and water, the determination of the carrying capacity of the environment done by 3 (three) approaches, namely: a) The ability of land to be allocated space utilization; b) Comparison between the supply and demand land and c) Comparison between the supply and demand for water.
In order to use the space in an area according to the capacity of the environment and resources, the allocation of land use must consider the ability of the land. Comparison between the availability and the need for land and water in a region determine the state surplus or deficit of the land and water to support the use of space. The results of the determination of the carrying capacity of the environment become the reference in the preparation of spatial plans. Given the carrying capacity of the environment cannot be constrained by administrative boundaries, the implementation plan must consider the spatial aspects of ecological relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of space utilization, as well as in its management attention to the inter-regional cooperation.